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Discover Cascadia’s Publishing Services For Ambitious Authors.

Cascadia Author Services is a complete publishing concierge service for ambitious people who wish to quickly publish a page-turning book without compromising on the quality of the finished product.

Our experienced team ensures you have the guidance and support of a full-service publishing house behind you to develop your book.
Our goal is to empower you with everything you need to see your finished book sweep the world by storm, growing your business and career in a way only a book can.

We’ve been doing this for years—it’s what we live and breathe—so you can trust our simple 3 step process for creating a professional grade book:

Cascadia –
Your Publishing Concierge

Step One

Find Your Book’s Why

Do you have a lot of wisdom to offer readers, but you’re not sure what to focus on? A book should have a core message that instantly grabs readers and makes them want to pick up your book. You can start to get at what that is for your readers by asking yourself a series of questions about your book’s purpose and intention. Specifically, your book needs a compelling answer to this question:

Why do readers simply have to read it? You can discover this with our tried-and-tested worksheets or with the help of an experienced book coach. By the end of this step you’ll have a full outline or “Table of Contents” for your book.

Step Two

Book Production

Every author’s journey is different, so here you’ll spend some time figuring out what is the best process for you with a dedicated project manager. How do you want to write your book? This may be setting out a clear writing schedule, connecting you with an accountability partner or using one of our New York Times bestselling ghostwriters. Once you have a manuscript finished, it’s onto our team of editors, typesetters and designers. By the end of this step, you’ll have a polished manuscript fully packaged with a beautiful cover and compelling blurb, ready to hit the shelves. All work is backed by our Cascadia Care Promise.

Step Three


Every year hundreds of thousands of books are published, so how will your book stand out? How can you ensure it gets into the hands of the right readers? You need a marketing plan tailored to you and your book to ensure a successful launch and long-term sales.

Publish with expert knowledge and support

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Whatever is holding you back, Cascadia is here to empower you with knowledge and support, plus a sense of belonging in a warm team that boasts over 100 years’ combined experience in supporting people on one of life’s greatest adventures: publishing a book!

Books are still one of the most powerful mediums to communicate ideas and establish indisputable authority in a field, boosting your reach and stature. But publishing isn’t a quick and easy process—nor should it be, or everyone would do it! A professional grade book takes 250+ individual tasks to complete. Cascadia is an expert in every single one of them. Do you want to harness our expertise to launch your book into the stratosphere?

No other format is as effective as books at getting your message across on a grand scale. 

Praise from our Authors

Our experienced team walks with you as you journey through the book-making process. We help you develop your book with the support of a fully-fledged publishing team.

Our goal is to empower you with everything you need to see your finished book sweep the world by storm!

Writing a book encapsulates your mind into a single, well-structured piece of work. For more than one hundred years, books have been the number one way to make meaningful connections with a large, receptive audience. Best of all: they don’t require you to give up your precious time to be present for every interaction.

We like to break things down into manageable parts. You’ll always be involved in the process, but you won’t need to do all – or indeed, any – of the work yourself.

Attentive Service—Since 2016

Are You Ready To Take Your Book To The Next Level?

Perhaps you know you should write that book someday, but you really just don’t have the time to sit down and do it?

Maybe you’ve even tried writing a book already, but you’ve become distracted or lost interest before finishing it?

You might be afraid of failure or putting out bad work?

What if you mess it up and damage your reputation?

What if people just don’t like it, or worse, what if they judge you for your DIY approach on a crowded shelf?

We’re Experts In Everything Publishing And We’re Ready To Partner With You

Wherever you are on your quest to become a published author, Cascadia Author Services is here to take the stress away, so you can publish a professional-grade book without getting waylaid by the complexities of the process.

Get Seen & Heard – Become an Industry Expert – Grow Your Business – Free Your Time!

Our purpose-driven team of established book industry professionals fast-track you through the process of writing an exceptional book, without taking away from the excitement of the process, and without revealing our own role in the creation of your book.

We’ve done this many times before. We know how to make the process smooth and fun, so you can enjoy the journey.

How Does Cascadia
Help Aspiring Authors Just Like Me?

Your book is as much your story as it is the story you’ve written. It takes courage to write a book, but you don’t need to do it alone to make a success of it. Cascadia helps aspiring authors by stepping into the process at all the right places to help you learn, have fun, and create the book you’ve always wanted to create!

Every journey is unique, so at the start of the process, you’ll meet with your personal project manager to discuss where you’re at and what you would like to achieve. Your project coordinator will always be there to work with you throughout the process, and they will be your main point of contact.

Off the back of your regular meetings with your project manager, we’ll also bring in a team of relevant people with the right skills to work on specific areas of your book to give you the best result.

Realistically, each piece of the puzzle needs time to breathe. The first idea is seldom the best, so we’ll do the work and then go back into it to polish it up and pull all the top ideas to the foreground.

A quality book can take months or years to produce, but the wait is worth it. There’s nothing so disappointing as taking easy shortcuts and seeing your book flop just because it wasn’t given the right care and attention to make something beautiful from the outset.

We aspire to work as quickly as we can within your preferred timeframe, but we advocate for you the author, and to do that, we must always ensure that things are done properly at every level of your book’s creation process. This does take time to achieve.

You can pick and choose the services you really need. We’ll work closely alongside you, and we’ll incorporate the work you’ve done yourself into our process with care and support.

It’s always worth having a chat with us to show us where you’re at. We’ll give you sage advice, and you may not need to use any of our services if you’ve already got your book to the right level.

Most authors discover that a good homemade book becomes an exceptionally-professional book with our expertise. The best choice is to book a time to chat with our team. We’ll let you know what’s working well, and which areas of your book may benefit from professional author services.

Stories are supple, so they can be bent and shaped into various arcs that can change the reader’s experience.

  • Developmental editing focuses on the structure and style of a manuscript, and is intended to highlight the overall strengths and weaknesses of the presentation of the ideas in the work (not the ideas themselves). 
  • Line editing focuses flow and style of the book to ensure your meaning is presented in the most effective way.
  • Copy editing focuses specifically for any spelling or grammatical errors, consistency of formatting, and correct referencing of third-party material.

Line editing brings art and style into language. Copyediting checks for typos and grammatical errors.

Traditional publishing houses produce and market your book for you. In return, they pay you royalties on your book sales. The advantage of this is that it’s sometimes easier to get into largescale high-street retailers, but the challenge is finding a publisher willing to take a risk with your book, which can take years to achieve.

Self-publishing means that you take care of the production, marketing, and distribution of your book yourself, and in return, you keep all of your profits. The advantage of this is that it’s often easier to just get it done when you’re ready to make your book, but the challenge is navigating the complexities of the book industry alone.

You can submit your book to a publisher or a literary agent if you would prefer to go down the traditional publishing route. We’ll help you prepare your manuscript for submission, and we’ll share our industry knowledge with you to help you win the right publishing contract for your book.

Usually, we’ll take full payment at the start of the project. This gives you access to the best rates and is ideal for those who wish to focus on the project itself without worrying about pending invoices.

If you prefer, you can pay a deposit at the start of your project, and the rest may be paid in milestones at the start of each new stage. This is ideal for people who aren’t quite sure what they’ll need yet, and for those who want to build their project over time.

We can also tailor a monthly installment plan for you. This is ideal for those who know what they need and would like to spread the costs out in equal parts.

Please get in touch to discuss your requirements, and we’ll help you find the best approach for your circumstances.

There’s no perfect time to write a book, and most people who dream of publishing their book but never do are the ones who wait for the perfect time. While it may seem daunting to start, writing a book is just a series of mini-projects that happen in sequence. If you write a few words every day, then you’ll find your first draft complete without too much effort.

We do offer a ghostwriting service, so if you have some ideas but always feel like you’re pushing the start date to the backburners, then we’ll be happy to write it for you if you would like us to.

Yes! We can do everything from helping you come up with ideas to ghostwriting your first draft, editing the perfect manuscript, getting the design work done, and sending your book to market.

Many books are outsourced entirely to Cascadia. We’re always here to help.

You’ll meet regularly with your project manager to discuss the direction and to review your book’s progress. This keeps you in control, and lets you approve the work or request changes throughout the process.

If you feel we can’t resolve change requests for you after your first progress meeting with your project manager, we will be happy to refund your project for you.

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